Yesterday Minster beach was still full with people sunbathing and swimming and simply enjoying being unfettered and outdoors - today under grey skies and a chilly breeze, there was just a few dog walkers in coats! What a difference just a day and the ending of a season can make, that must surely be it now - just six months to come of gales, rain, mud, frost, snow, and everything that makes stepping outdoors uncomfortable and hard to bear.
And yet, out there somewhere, are those few people that last week found it impossible to enjoy such a short-lived period of unexpected bliss because it made finding birds difficult - I can't understand their failure to relax for just one week anymore than they can probably understand my failure to put birds before everything else in life. Roll on the Spring!
"the warm sun is failing, the bleak wind is wailing,
the bare boughs are sighing, the pale flowers are dying,
and the year
on the earth her deathbed, in a shroud of leaves dead,
is lying"..............Percy Bysshe Shelley
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