Thursday, 11 May 2017

Here Comes the Sun

Finally, after the protracted cold weather of recent weeks, we have enjoyed a couple of not only sunny days but warm days. And if the rain that is forecast over the next couple of days actually comes, it is going to be warm rain, so we could have a win-win event there as well. It was a real tonic to get up this morning to blue skies and a rising sun outside and buoyed by such a rarity, I set off for the reserve and began my breeding bird counts in earnest as I wandered round. Thankfully, for several species at least, things are moving at last and the Coot's nest below was one of four of that species that I found, well down on last year's count but we're inching forward. A brood of nine recently hatched Mallard ducklings was another pleasant surprise.

It remains dust dry out there and some bird numbers are low but sunshine and warmth today but it all seem so much better and to cap it off I even saw the first Small Heath butterfly of this year.

On a different subject all together, Tuesday evening this week saw my long-time friend and I make what is now a bi-annual event, we went to London to experience Bob Dylan's latest visit. We first saw Bob at the Royal Albert Hall in 1966, hitch-hiking home through the night afterwards, and have seen him countless times since. Like us, he's getting old now, he's 75, but his Never Ending Tour continues to do just that and we, like a packed Wembley Arena on Tuesday, will continue to follow it as long it does. I'm always fascinated by those rare trips to London, because for someone who spends most of his life in the quiet backwaters of Sheppey, so much hustle and bustle always comes as a bit of a shock. You get off the train into a world of human ants, tightly packed and rushing everywhere and descend into the Underground. There humid and oppressive carriages are packed tightly with a kaleidoscope of nationals all governed it seems, by phones and ear pieces. Even more bizarre is the journey back, I find it hard to believe that so many people can be out and about on railway platforms at a time approaching midnight, more people than I normally see in a whole day.
Anyway, the concert was superb, I survived being temporarily swallowed up by an alien world and gratefully enjoyed the solitude of the marshes the next day.


  1. Absolutely lovely post Derek. I too have always been a Bob Dylan fan so I really envy you that.
    We too have had a couple of really warm days and things have livened up here with most of the may blossom out, young blue tits out and about being fed and making a noise when they aren't! Love your photo of the coot's nest. Do hope you get a substantial rain over the next few days.

    1. Thanks Pat, glad that things are looking up for you as well, we just need you to move forward now, I hope you do.

  2. "..all governed it seems, by phones and ear pieces" - I know what you mean Derek. Having never owned a mobile phone or earphones I find it all unnerving. I wonder how much time Bob Dylan spends on his phone - if indeed he has one.

    1. I own a mobile YP, but it's an old Nokia that sends and receives calls and that's all I need. As for Bob, can't say as I've heard of him tweeting so who knows.

  3. Saw Bob Dylan and Willie Nelson some years back when they were doing a "small ballparks" series of concerts in the US. Really enjoyed it. Like you, we see between 2 and 6 other people a day and that is plenty! Today was a shopping day which took us to a village of about 400 residents and 100 tourists. Like the shopping, that will last me a couple of weeks. ;-)

    Hope your warm rain materializes.

    1. The warm rain did indeed materialize Wilma, we had around 3-4 hours of it overnight. It won't have done anything for water levels but it's done a good job of freshening up the gardens and the grass.

  4. Derek, it's been very interesting to read your recent posts and learn what a difference finally receiving some rain has made to Sheppey. Hoping that many of this year's new birds will be able to survive. The photo of the nest in the tall grasses is a gem.

    The only time I have seen Bob Dylan perform was at the Madison Square Garden concert that George Harrison organized to benefit Bangladesh. It was the first time that Dylan had performed after his motorcycle accident. Another of my memories from long ago. Fun for you to be able to have the experience of a quick London visit, giving you much to contemplate.

    Best wishes.

  5. Lovely to hear from you Frances, I guess my ramblings are of a different world to that of yours in the big city. I saw the Bangladesh concert on DVD and thought it was quite good.
