Sunday 10 December 2017

Days Past

During these short, dark, damp, cold days of winter I often find it easy to open a bottle of red wine from my collection and sink into melancholia. Days and delights, often well gone by - long, hot and delightful days with the sun on one's back, warmth in the bones, a treat round every corner on a dusty road. Does it matter which road that we take, let's see where we end up, will there be a nice pub at the end - sitting in their garden, a hot sun on one's back, a nice pint of ale in the hand. Those subtle delights carrying on into a warm and daylight evening, the last warm rays lingering until 10 pm or past.
At times such events seem to stretch back so far - was last winter really so long ago, did we really do so and so well back in March, the coming back after a hot day out, the warm and lingering evening, the BBQ, the wine, the mosquitoes and the bats as darkness gradually crept in. Playing silly CD's into the enveloping darkness, Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, Barry Manilow - another bottle - why not, and the eventually falling into bed, contended people.

Today started in the early hours with icy rain, which turned to snow at 7.00, giving us our first light covering since 2011 and then turned back to rain for the rest of the day. It's been cold, been wet and to be honest, bloody awful, and neither I or my dog have been out and the corkscrew is hovering. Will it of made much difference to the dryness on the reserve, without going there I know it won't of done as far as the ditches are concerned, but it will of made the surface of the ground muddier, especially where the cattle have walked. Rain is also forecast for tomorrow and so at last, are we finally coming to the end of our drought.
My rear garden at 8.00 - two hours later it had all gone.


  1. I remember this ad on TV from the 1980's when I was in England, "Ginger Wine: It's What Winter Was Invented For".
    That might be a paraphrase, after all, it was a while ago!
    I lived there at the time and it was very cold and grey that winter. I lived to see the sun!

    1. Well Kay, after a couple of mild winters we had begun to think bad winters were a thing of the past, that changed this weekend, I can't wait for warm sun again.

  2. We are in the midst of a cold spell, too. We had 2 fuzzy blankets on the bed last night and big mug hot cocoa with vodka just before bed. I won't tell you the low temperature because you will laugh - just remember - it is all relative! Here's to warm sunshine. Cheers!

    1. Good to hear from you Wilma and like you say, it's all relative and we all find it difficult to adjust to a different temperature.

  3. A nice winter time drink: pour some Aperol in the bottom of a mug and fill up with hot water straight from the kettle (about 1:6 depending on taste) and a slice of lemon thrown in. Surprisingly it tastes almost like Glühwein.

  4. By the sound of it you have a touch of S.A.D. Derek (Seasonal Affective Disorder) but I know you have what it takes to battle through to springtime.

  5. An annual occurrence YP, I simply can't stand the winter.
